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The Sharp Group Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Sharp Code of Conduct

In recognition of our position as a global company committed to being a responsible member of society and to contribute to achieving a sustainable society, the Sharp Group has established a set of principles to guide our corporate behavior. We will abide by the following principles, while carrying out sound business activities in concert with our corporate creed of Sincerity and Creativity:

Practice of Fair and Open Management

  • The Sharp Group will practice fair and open management in accordance with ethical business standards and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • The Sharp Group will also work to prevent corruption in all forms, including extortion and bribery.

Enhancement of Customer Satisfaction

  • The Sharp Group will contribute to the development of society by creating innovative, original products and services that can revolutionize lifestyles across the globe, always seeking to offer people unprecedented possibilities, while also caring for the environment.
  • To gain the trust of our customers and to enhance their satisfaction, the Sharp Group will provide ever better products and services that address our customers' needs and desires, and that give consideration to safety, quality, reliability, and environmental friendliness.

Disclosure of Relevant Information/ Protection and Security of Information

  • The Sharp Group will communicate with all of our stakeholders, beginning with our customers and including shareholders, investors, business partners and employees. In order to fulfill our corporate accountability, disclosure of corporate information, as well as information on products and services, will be carried out in a timely and appropriate manner.
  • The Sharp Group will use its best efforts to safeguard and secure critical information in our possession, and to protect any personal and/or confidential information entrusted to us by our customers, employees, and business partners.

Contribution to Conservation of the Global Environment

  • The Sharp Group will make efforts to further contribute to global environmental conservation by strengthening our development of proprietary technologies for protecting the global environment, and by carrying out business activities in an environmentally conscious manner.

Sound, Equitable Economic Activities

  • The Sharp Group will engage in fair and free competition, in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Sharp Group will deal with business partners in a fair manner.

Respect for Human Rights

  • The Sharp Group respects fundamental human rights and does not engage in discriminatory actions or human rights violations in any of our business activities. The Sharp Group does not sanction child labor or forced labor.

Creating a Safe, Fair, Motivating Work Environment

  • The Sharp Group will endeavor to prepare sound working conditions that respect the rights of each employee and to maintain and improve a safe and comfortable workplace environment, in a manner consistent with the laws and regulations of each country and region where we operate.
  • We seek to foster an atmosphere in which our employees' diversity and individuality are valued, and in which they can fully demonstrate their skills and abilities. We will also strive to actively develop human resources.

Harmony with the Community

  • The Sharp Group will also contribute to global development and understanding by conducting business activities in a manner that respects the cultures and customs of all countries and regions.
  • The Sharp Group, as a good corporate citizen, will work to coexist harmoniously with the local communities where we live and work, by actively developing social contribution programs in the fields of the environment, education, and social welfare.

Implementation of The Sharp Group Charter of Corporate Behavior

  • Under the leadership of its senior executives, the Sharp Group will develop effective internal processes, including periodic review, to ensure that our Charter of Corporate Behavior is adhered to.

The Sharp Group is comprised of Sharp Corporation, its subsidiaries, and affiliated companies in which Sharp Corporation holds a controlling interest.

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