Una historia "excepcional"

2004: Módulos fotovoltaicos integrados con tejados metálicos
NE-53Y1N-5G (5 tejas)
NE-38Y1N-4G (4 tejas)

Sharp released integrated metal-roof photovoltaic modules that combine metal roofing material and photovoltaic modules for fast installation time by simply covering the existing slate roof*1 with the system. The modules also incorporate an elegant Western-style roofing design.
The number of photovoltaic power system installations was roughly divided evenly between new and existing homes*2 until 2002, but starting in 2003, demand jumped for systems for existing homes*2, prompting Sharp to develop products for the home renovation market. This product can also be used for new homes.

  • *1:Método de colocación del tejado metálico sobre el tejado de pizarra existente tal cual. Reduce el tiempo de instalación.
  • *2:De acuerdo con New Energy Foundation (Japón).

Módulos fotovoltaicos integrados con tejados metálicos NE-53Y1N-5G (5 tejas) NE-38Y1N-4G (4 tejas)